
5 Simple Pleasures

I have this thing I do sometimes when I feel overwhelmed by how complicated and challenging life can be, or underwhelmed by the mundanity of everyday life. I try to pay attention and pay gratitude to the little pleasures in life. I don't remember exactly how I got the idea but I know it was inspired by Andrea Scher, blogging superhero. I make a list of 5 Simple Pleasures I encounted recently and often share this list with friends by email.

Making my list brings my focus to the little things in life I often overlook, and it jumpstarts a process where my friends share their 5 Simple Pleasures as well. Reading other people's lists is illuminating and yet another pleasure. And to my great pleasure, I have just happened upon a blog called Three Beautiful Things, which is pretty much the same idea. So cool!

And by the way, my 5 Simple Pleasures for today:

- The Middle Eastern drumming music in my tribal bellydance class tonight;
- Finally, finally realizing that I could truly enjoy being alone right now;
- Walking past my favorite subway singer after work, whose mahogany voice fills the underground tunnel and reverbates in my skull long after I catch my train;
- Being thanked profusely by a client for the work I've done; and
- Even though I struggled, I was able to keep up in my dance class!

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