slices of life, opinions, reviews, and photos from san francisco. basically an opportunity for me to become more comfortable with publicizing my writing, and to practice less editing, less self-censorship, and more free-flowing typing.
Pillow Porn
I can't believe I missed it again! My crazy city by the bay had a public pillow fight on Valentine's Day and sadly, I was elsewhere. I don't even remember where, so clearly it was not a hot date. Judging by the pictures I've posted (from the Laughing Squid website), I missed quite a partay. You probably did, too, loser. Man, next year in Justin Herman Plaza!
i didn't miss it. i didn't partake in it either. but i saw it. interesting people who went dumpster diving were offering free food that i think was expired. nice!
This blog is an experiment of sorts for me. I'm navigating my way through, learning how to link and post, daring myself to just put my thoughts out there, and daring myself to forgo the self-censorship and concept of perfection that often prevents me from writing in the first place, let alone share my writing.
In terms of purpose, I'm still exploring whether I intend this blog to be a random collections of my experience of city life, a way to share little slices of life with people in my life, a place to share favorite things from poetry to hair mousse, or if it's developing into a collection of "you had to be there" moments that don't make much sense to anyone else.
1 comment:
i didn't miss it. i didn't partake in it either. but i saw it. interesting people who went dumpster diving were offering free food that i think was expired. nice!
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