
The Peak of My Anal-Retentiveness

I actually had to send the following in an email to my assistant:

I've noticed some papers are folded over in the files because they were hole-punched too far to one side. This just makes files bulkier over time. Please make sure your hole puncher is adjusted so the pages don't stick out or fold over. Thank you.

I swear I'm not a micro-manager! But she's been sticking documents in files so they stick out or fold over and it's making the files so bulky and everytime I want to read something, I have to unfold the side or the edge first, or uncurl it from around the outside of the file folder. I mentioned it once to her already and I felt horrible doing so because it's such a small thing, but my files are a mess because of it. And how hard is it to adjust your hole puncher?

Let's just hope this goes no further.

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