A couple of months ago, I happened upon an Oprah episode that was actually an update show on a previous show she did on something called "The Secret." It seemed very interesting, and to have inspired quite a response from her viewers, so I watched and tried to figure out what this secret was. It turns out it is a movie, and a book, and an audio CD and a huge cash cow for those involved in disseminating it. ;) But it's also worth looking into, with a skeptical eye and an open mind.
The basic premise is that there is a universal "law of attraction" at work in the world, and the energy you emit directly influences the energy that returns to you. The friendly metaphysicians who bring you "The Secret" focus a bit too much on the direct impact of our thoughts, instead of explaining more that our thoughts drive our actions, and our actions are also key in bringing about the results we hope for in our lives.
I do recommend the movie, however, because there is value in any kind of philosophy that leads us to question our own approaches to our lives and our attitudes. There is also, in my opinion and my experience, some truth to what is being taught in "The Secret." It's interesting to me how spiritual truths are arrived at by different paths, and that common answer points to a universality that cannot be denied.
The Hasidim teach that G-d is a mirror, and the face with which you look upon G-d is the face with which G-d will look upon you. Not only your perception, but your actual life experiences are impacted by your attitude.
There is a story in Native American history that teaches the importance of recognizing the power of our thoughts as well. An Indian chief was talking to his tribe one night and told them there were two dogs inside his mind. One was a white dog who was good and courageous, the other a black dog who was vengeful and spiteful. He told the tribe the dogs were fighting to the death. A brave, not able to wait for the end of the story, asked, "Which one of them will win?" The chief responded, "The one I feed."
Rilke and Cookies
"Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live with them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, some day far in time, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."
~ Rilke
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